I have also been working as the dietary clerk when needed. To refresh your memory, the clerk is in charge of checking and printing meal tickets and running tray line. The hours are very very early; I start at 5 AM. However, I find this position very enjoyable and the time seems to go by very fast. Tray lines can have up to 130 trays and last anywhere from an hour to an hour and a half when it gets busy. As luck would not have it, my first day as the solitary tech was the highest census the hospital has seen. Bring it on!
I have also been undergoing the ever so daunting task of applying to distance dietetic internships. The application process requires that I find preceptors and facilities where I can do clinical, community, and food service rotations. It has been rather stressful, but I am a couple agreement forms and paragraphs on my letter of intent to completion! Everything must be done by February 15, which is 16 days away-yikes!
I'm busy busy busy with work, applying to internships, and pretending to have a social life (pretending is easier than living one when you go to bed at 8:00). I'm also very happy! Transitioning into the professional world was hard for me at first. I missed my college friends, college town, and college lifestyle immensely. Now I am happy to be challenging myself at work everyday with new diet orders and patients. I can't believe I'm getting paid to learn and gain experience to become a dietitian someday. The work I'm doing reinforces my desire for an RD after my name and future in dietetics.
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